Snake was force to eat
Dans sens circulaire
In intime time

With the power
Now where’d it go

Feels like l’ennuie comblé
Remplacer l’instant
En proposant
Tout comme

The colour red
it’s ripe

Ça nous dit :

Je ne suis qu’un outil

You use me everyday anyway

I know you like your buttons pushed

J’ai mieux que le monde incontrôlable à proposer

You are the center of the known universe

I can loan you any optimised truth

It says en ne disant quoi

Snake is forced to eat

Il n’y avais pas d’autre option

Médiation de communication

Convocation d’emotions

Quand le serpent mord

There’s a black box


Do we eat from it or does it eat us?

Les outils ne réclament rien de nous

The blinders are closing

Where is messy world to balance optimised truths?

Je mord un peu puis je lâche.
But then there was no letting go

I stare longingly into the tail
It knows me but I know nothing about it

Swallows soft, it slipped down

Si on l’ouvrait



looks like it enjoys it